This is a list of programs that have been, are being, or will be broadcast by C31 Melbourne, Television Sydney, Briz 31, 44 Adelaide, West TV and other former Community channels. == Current and former programming == *''100% Pure Fishing'' *''123 TV'' *''1700'' * ''30 Pubs In 30 Days Around Australia'' *''31 Questions'' *''4WD TV'' *''Aaj Kal'' *''Above All Is Health'' *''Abundant Life Today'' *''Access All Areas TV'' *''Access News'' *''Aces High'' *''ADD TV'' *''Adolesense'' *''Adventure Bound'' * ''AFN Fishing Show'' *''Al Hadara'' * ''Al Jazeera English'' *''All you Need'' *''Alone with Everybody'' *''Alternative News Geelong'' *''Animals Matter'' *''Anthology of Interest'' *''Antics'' *''Apna Panjab'' *''Arab TV'' *''Armed and Dangerous'' *''Armour of God'' *''Art Masterclass'' * ''Arts.21'' (DW) *''Asian Community TV'' *''Astrology Today'' *''Asylum'' *''At Home with the Baccalas'' *''ATVAA'' *''Aussie Hunting Adventures'' *''Aussie Kidz Show'' *''Australian Hungarian Magazine'' *''Australian Pro Poker'' *''Avalon Raceway'' *''Awesome Church'' *''Barnaby Flowers'' *''Barnaby Flowers Bumper Bonanza'' *''Barry Schrapel'' *''Base TV'' *''Bayside TV'' *''The Bazura Project'' *''Beedesh Bangla'' * ''Best Of Shelf Life'' *''Between the Lines'' *''Beyond the Cage'' * ''Beyond The Divide'' *''Beyond Their Limits'' *''Big Jack's Sports Wrap'' *''Big Jack's Racing Wrap'' *''The Big Leaguers'' *''Bite Size'' *''Bizce Boyle'' * ''Blend Line TV'' *''Blokesworld'' *''The Blue Line'' *''Blurb'' *''BPM Melbourne'' *''Brain Date'' *''Breakfast Programming'' *''The Breakfast Show'' *''Brew TV'' *''Bric-A-Brac'' *''Briefcase'' *''Buone Notizie'' *''Buskerama'' * ''Butterscotch's Playground'' *''C News'' *''C News Update'' * ''C3 TV'' *''C31 Movies and Classic Series'' *''Cabaret'' * ''Captain Mysterious And The League Of Awesome'' *''Careers Corner'' *''Chakras'' *''Champagne Comedy'' *''Chandana'' *''Channel Cheese'' *''Charlie's Kitchen'' *''Chartbusting 80s'' *''Chill TV'' *''China Today'' (Henan News Week) *''Chinese Weekly'' * ''Christian Media'' *''City Life'' *''Class TV'' * ''Classic Classic Restos'' *''Classic Movies'' *''Classic Restos'' * ''Classic Restos - Bikes'' *''Classical Catapult'' *''Club Axis'' * ''Coffee Break'' * ''The Comic Box'' *''Comics Live In Your Loungeroom'' * ''Community Kitchen'' *''Conflicts of Interest'' *''Consider Islam'' *''Conversations with Robyn'' *''Cooking with Yianni'' *''Cops And Lawyers'' *''The Couch'' *''Country Cousins'' * ''Creature Corner'' *''The Cricket Show'' *''Croatian Program'' *''Cruisin the Country'' *''Cruizin'' *''Cultural News'' *''Cycling Sooty Park'' *''Dancing about Architecture'' *''Daniel Boone'' *''Danz'' *''Dare I Ask?'' *''Darren and Brose'' *''Dave Harding PI'' *''Dave TV'' *''David Boske Ministries'' *''Dawn's Crack'' *''Daz and Gaz'' *''Deaf TV'' * ''Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis'' *''Dee TV'' *''Dharma TV'' *''Diamond Valley Football'' *''The Diamond Valley Footy Show'' *''Dianetics and The Anatomy of the Mind'' *''The Director's Chair'' *''Doctors on the Front Line'' * ''Documentaries And Reports'' (DW) *''Dollars with Sense'' * ''Dragnet'' *''Drags Aloud'' *''Dream On'' *''Drive'' * ''Drive It!'' (DW) *''The Dressing Room'' *''DW Programming'' *''Eastern Football League'' *''The Eastern Footy Show'' *''Eastern Newsbeat'' *''Eat TV'' * ''Ecopia'' (DW) *''Ecotopia'' *''Egyptian Programme'' *''Entre Todos'' *''Essendon District Knows Football'' *''Etcetera'' * ''Euromaxx'' (DW) * ''Europe In Concert'' (DW) *''Expedition New England'' *''Face to Face'' *''Family Dawns'' *''Famous with Luis'' *''FashioNations'' *''Fergus in Hell'' *''Fifteen Fabulous Minutes'' * ''Fishabout'' *''Fishcam'' *''Fishin Trip'' *''Flavours of India'' *''Flicktease'' *''Flipside'' * ''Focus On Europe'' (DW) * ''Foody And The Winemaker'' *''Foosy Show'' *''Football Geelong Presents'' *''Footy Talkback'' *''Frankston TV'' * ''Front Up'' *''Fun Yoga'' *''Fusion Latina'' *''Futbol Town Show'' *''Game Night'' *''The Garden Tap'' * ''Garner Ted Armstrong'' *''Gasolene'' *''Gay News Week'' *''The G’Day Maltaussies Show'' *''GDFL'' *''GDFL Football Focus'' *''GDFL Footy Show'' *''GDFL Netball Show'' *''Geelong Cricket Show'' *''Geelong Cricket Stars'' *''Geelong District Football League'' *''Geelong District Netball League'' *''The Geelong Footy Show'' *''Geelong Junior Football and Netball Show'' *''Geelong Leagues'' *''Geelong Live'' *''Geelong Netball'' *''Geelong News and Commerce'' *''Geelong Newsbeat'' *''Get Cereal TV'' *''Get Up Tucked'' *''The Gig Bag'' *''Ginger Chef'' *''Girl Talk'' * ''Global 3000'' (DW) *''Go Marysville'' *''Goin Ballistyx Snowboard Show'' *''Going 4WD'' *''Going Ballystix'' *''Golf Zone'' *''Good Enough to Eat'' *''Good Evening Melbourne'' *''Good Health'' *''Good Morning Geelong'' *''The Gorilla Position'' *''GR-TV'' *''Gran Bizzare'' * ''Grangier's World'' *''The Greek Beat Show'' *''Greek Current Affairs'' *''Green Gully Soccer'' *''Grow'' *''Guitar Gods and Masterpieces'' *''Guys Lifestyle'' *''The Hard Rock Show'' *''Heavyweight'' * ''Hello Australia'' *''Hello Music'' *''Here's Not There'' *''Hey Hey It's Doomsday'' *''Hi Art'' *''Hit TV'' *''The Hockey Show'' *''Hockey Zone'' *''Hocus Pocus'' *''Horse Rush TV'' *''Horse Talk TV'' *''Hos.Pots'' *''Hot Dog with the Lot'' *''Hound TV'' *''Hungarian Magazine'' *''Hungarian TV'' *''Hunted Australia'' *''The I.A Show'' * ''In Good Shape'' (DW) *''In Pit Lane'' *''In the Red Corner'' *''In Wollongong Tonight'' *''The Indigenous Peoples Showcase'' *''Indulge'' *''Influence Living'' *''Inline Plus'' *''The Inquiry'' *''Inside Out'' * ''Inspire Church'' *''Interactive Martial Arts'' (IMA) *''The International Cooking Show'' * ''The Invisible Man'' * ''iRace'' *''The Italian Connection'' *''The Italian Guide'' *''Italian TV'' (Insegna Media) *''It's All Musical'' *''Jaanz Live'' *''Jaanz Live at Funkies'' *''Jamie Redfern’s Superkids'' * ''Jason's Journeys'' *''The Jazz Show'' *''John McMartin @ Inspire Church'' * ''Journal'' (DW) *''Joy's World'' *''Jumping Jellybeans'' *''Ken Harris Masterclass in Oils'' *''Kids in the Kitchen'' *''Kids Life'' *''Kind of Like a Show'' *''KO Boxing'' *''Latin Dance Alive'' *''Latin Odyssey'' *''Lawn Bawls'' * ''Le Clubz'' *''Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef'' *''Let's Go Birdwatching'' *''Level 3'' *''A Life In Crime'' * ''Life News'' * ''Life Source'' *''LifeTime'' * ''Lighthouse'' *''Little Explorers'' *''Live on Bowen'' *''Living It Loud'' *''Living Life Now'' *''Living on The Coast'' *''Living with Parkinsons'' *''The Living Word'' *''The Local Footy Show'' *''Local Knowledge'' *''The Loft Live'' *''The Lord's Challenge'' *''Love Bunker'' *''The Love Show'' *''LP/EP'' *''M Zone'' *''Ma Cherie'' *''Macedonian Horizons'' *''Macedonian Program'' *''Macedonian Visions'' *''The Magic of Musicals'' *''Magical Fresh Ideas'' *''Making the Switch'' *''Mal's Big Green Hell'' *''Market Report'' *''The Marngrook Footy Show'' * ''Masterclass In Oils with Ken Harris'' *''Match of the Week'' *''Max’s Muscle TV'' *''MCM'' *''Melbourne Calling Zagreb'' *''Melbourne Musos'' *''The Melbourne Update'' *''Message TV'' *''Minnie Monkey'' *''Miss World Australia'' *''Mongrel Punt'' *''More Amore'' *''Morning Mayhem'' * ''Morning Movie'' *''Motor Girls'' *''Move It or Lose It'' *''Mrs Sneezebee And The Snuppets'' *''The MS Show'' *''Music Biz'' *''Music Pot'' *''The Mutant Way'' *''MXTV'' *''Mystical Guides'' *''Nag'' *''Nandana Vindana'' *''Nat Chat'' *''The Naughty Rude Show'' * ''New Game Plus'' * ''New Hope Adventist'' *''News from Hungary'' *''News Geelong'' *''Newsline'' *''NexGen TV'' *''No Limits'' *''Noise TV'' *''Northern Access News'' *''Northern Community News'' *''The Northern Footy Show'' *''Nu Country TV'' *''Nunga TV'' *''Nurse TV'' *''Nusantara'' *''Nusantara TV'' *''On The Couch'' *''On the Water'' *''One Man Band'' *''One World'' *''One World Greece'' *''One World Japan'' *''One World Malta'' *''One World Romania'' *''One World Russia'' (Sputnik) *''One World Slovenia'' *''One World Sri Lanka'' *''One World Switzerland'' * ''Open Forum'' *''OPEN Shorts'' *''Open TV'' *''The Opening'' *''Oswald Yarvis Show'' *''Our Melbourne'' * ''Our Time'' *''Out and About'' *''Overnight Loop and Music'' *''Oz Fish TV'' *''Oz Garage'' *''Oz Indian'' *''Ozzie Holiday'' *''Pacific Asia Television'' *''Pancake Mountain'' *''Paranormal Investigators'' *''Pathways'' *''Pathways Magazine'' *''PC_TV'' *''Penguin TV'' *''The Personal Injury Show'' * ''Pete The Surfaroo'' *''Pets Practice with Dr Kevin'' *''The Picture House'' *''Pinoy Music Lounge'' *''Pinoy TV'' *''Planet Nerd'' *''Play Group in a Box'' *''Play Kool'' *''Plein Air Painting'' *''PLUCK'' *''Plug In TV'' *''Point of Interest'' *''Pol Mel'' *''Pool TV'' *''Pop Tarts'' *''Popcorn'' * ''Postcards From The Bush'' *''Postcodes'' *''Powerslam TV'' *''Priority One Television'' *''Profiles'' *''PSI'' *''Psychic Solutions'' *''Public Hangings'' *''Public Holiday'' *''Pulse Television'' *''Punjabi TV'' *''Q Weekly'' *''QUT News'' *''Queer Oz'' *''Quizmeisters'' *''Race Scar'' *''Racing Fashion TV'' *''Raucous'' *''Red Lobster'' * ''The Reel Thing'' *''Regional Italian Cuisine'' *''Renaissance TV'' *''Restaurant Wars'' * ''Restoring Dreams'' *''Revolver Video'' *''Richmond 3121 Oh!'' *''River to Reef'' *''RMIT Construction Management'' *''RMITV Up-Late'' *''Ro-TV'' *''Rock 'n Roll Cooking Show'' *''Rodder's Life'' *''Romanian Mosaic'' *''Room to Grow'' *''The RSL Southern Footy Show'' *''The Rumpus Room'' *''Russ Kellett's Melbourne'' *''Russian Kaleidoscope'' * ''Russian News Time'' *''Sacred Spaces'' *''Salam Cafe'' *''SATU TV'' *''SA Sports Show'' *''Saturday Night Darren & Brose'' *''The Sauce'' *''Schlock Treatment'' * ''Schlocky Horror Picture Show'' *''Scout TV'' *''Selection'' *''Serbian TV'' *''Serbian TV Presents'' *''Sew What A Feeling'' *''Shalom TV'' *''The Shambles'' * ''Shelf Life'' * ''Sherlock Holmes'' *''Shiatsu'' * ''Shift'' (DW) *''Short Cuts'' *''The Short Film Show'' *''Showbiz'' *''The Shtick'' *''Sightsee TV'' *''SignPost'' * ''Six O' Clock Serials'' *''sk82death'' *''Ska News'' *''SKA Story'' *''Sketchmen'' *''Slovenian Magazine'' *''Slow TV'' *''Snap’s Kakadu Club'' *''Snow Rave'' *''The Snow Show'' *''Socially Inadequate'' *''Somali TV'' *''Songlines in the City'' *''Songwriters Across Australia'' *''Sooty Park'' *''Sophie's Wedding Guide'' *''Soulwater Surf'' *''Southern Footy Show'' *''Speaker Box'' *''Speaker TV'' *''Spearing the Menu'' *''Spirit of Life'' *''Sports Page'' *''Sports Panorama'' *''The Spot 2 B'' *''Spud n Duds'' *''Sputnik'' *''Squeal'' *''Sri Lanka Clip Show'' *''Sri Lanka Morning Show'' *''Sri Lanka Today'' *''Sri Lanka TV'' *''Star Cafe'' *''Story Time'' *''Studio 4'' *''Studio A'' *''Studio Q'' *''Stuff!'' *''Sunday Night Movie'' *''The Surfer's Life'' *''Sweet and Sour'' *''Sydney Shorts'' *''Tagata Polynesia'' *''Talking Comics with Dazz and Gazz'' *''Talking Sex'' *''Tamil TV'' *''Teenie Weenie Greenies'' *''Teenwire'' * ''Temporary Australians'' *''The Tenpin Bowling Show'' *''Test Drive'' *''Thai Oz Talk'' * ''That's Fishing'' * ''That's Good For Footy'' *''Theatre Games Live'' *''Theatre Royal with Patti Allen'' *''Theories Of Everything'' *''Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards'' *''Tiger TV'' *''A Time to Talk'' * ''Tiny Delights with Elizabeth Chong'' *''To the Top of Down Under'' *''Tom Padula TV'' * ''Tomorrow Today'' (DW) *''Tomorrow's World'' *''Top Of Down Under'' *''Trackside'' *''Trak Attack'' *''Transmission'' * ''Treasures Of The World'' (DW) *''The Treatment'' *''The Tribute Show'' *''Truck Talk TV'' *''Truth in Focus'' *''Turkish Music Box'' *''Turkish Stars Australia'' *''Turn It Up WA'' *''TV Hellas'' *''TV Hellas Documentary'' *''TV Hellas News'' *''TV Hellas News Intro'' *''TV Hellas Sports Panorama'' *''TV Hellas Sunday Greek Movie'' *''TV Hellas Sunday Movie'' *''TV Hellas Wednesday News'' *''TV Hellas Weekly News'' *''TV Sri Lanka'' *''TVH KO Boking'' *''TVS News'' *''twentysomething'' *''Two Wheel Talk'' *''Two Wheel Torque'' *''The Ugly Stick'' * ''The Ultimate Fishing Show'' *''Under Melbourne Tonight'' *''Undercurrent'' *''Underground Sounds'' *''Understanding Women'' *''The Union Show'' *''Universal Concert Hall'' *''Uplate'' *''VAFA Game Of The Day'' *''Vanity Pets'' *''Vasili's Garden'' * ''Vasili’s Garden To Kitchen'' *''Victorian Football Show'' (VSF Soccer Show) *''Victoria's Islands'' *''Vietnamese Programme'' *''Vietnamese TV'' *''Visions'' *''Viva Melbourne'' *''Vivace'' *''Vivere'' *''Volleyball Victoria'' *''VSF Soccer Show'' *''Wake Life'' *''Wallara TV'' *''Waltzing Matilda'' *''Warp TV'' *''Wealth Creator'' *''Wedding TV'' * ''Wednesday Night Movie'' *''Weekly Bible Lessons'' *''Westinghouse Playhouse'' *''What's Goin' On There?'' *''When Paintings Come Alive'' *''Whose Shout'' *''The Why Generation'' *''Wildlife Documentaries'' *''Wine Squad'' *''Winning Women'' *''With Tim Ferguson'' *''Word of Life'' *''The Word Shed'' * ''Words Of Hope'' *''Words of Peace'' *''World News at Noon'' *''World Season'' *''The Wrap LIVE'' *''WRFL'' *''WRFL Footy Fever'' *''Wrokdown'' *''X-Wired'' * ''Yappy Hour TV'' *''Yartz'' *''Yianni's City Life'' *''Yoga in Daily Life'' *''YouFishTV'' *''Your 4x4'' *''Your Night Time Dreams Can Change Your Life'' *''Zontas 100%'' 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of programs broadcast by Channel 31」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク